Sunday, February 21, 2010

Congrats On Your New BAFTA K. Stew!

Kristen Stewart, perhaps best known to most as Bella in Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon, took home The British Academy of Film and Televison Arts Orange Rising Star Award On Sunday night. The Orange Rising Star Award is the only BAFTA Award that is chosen by the British public, leading Stewart to credit her win to the large Twilight fanbase. Stewart was draped in a luminous white Chanel dress and thanked adoring Twilight fans and said hello to her family, stumbling through her acceptance speech in her own humble, awkward trademark style. Sigh. That's why we love you, K. Stew! Congratulations girl!

PS - Kristen, don't sell yourself short. Sure, you were in some really fantastic company, but there are those of us who know and love you for Em (MY FAVE!), Georgia, Tracy, Lucy and Martine. We know and love you above and beyond Bella. The award was WELL deserved, sister. Just sayin'. (*BLUSH*)

Kristen receives the 2010 Orange Rising Star Award

Kristen talks about her BRAND NEW BAFTA backstage

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