Sunday, March 14, 2010

'Remember Me' Forogtten At Box Office

We already know that I love Robert Pattinson. There's just something about a skinny British boy donning his best American accent that makes me swoon with lust. (Okay, so Rob's sparkly counterpart Edward Cullen doesn't hurt the swoon factor, either.) But this weekend, Pattinson took a GIANT leap out of his glittery Twilight skin and into another Summit project, Remember Me. Once more, we already know that I LOVED Remember Me, but we also know that I'm a grown-up (ish) and I didn't go into the theater expecting to see Edward Cullen. I had the full-on expectations of seeing Robbie P. breathe life into the rebelious Tyler Hawkins. I was NOT disappointed. Apparently, other people were disappointed. Well, really, other people apparently didn't even go out to see Remember Me. According to Box Office Mojo, Remember Me brought in 8.3 million dollars, with the film showing in 2,212 theaters across the country. So, while the Remember Me audience was overwhelmingly female and under 25, perhaps this "iffy" opening speaks to Edward Cullen's popularity, rather than that of Robert Pattinson. When the fans scream and swarm Rob for photos and autographs, they're really seeing Edward. With a 16 million dollar budget (That's Hollywood chump change), Remember Me didn't fair nearly as bad as Matt Damon's Green Zone, which only managed to rake in 14.5 million bucks, but cost over 100 mill to make. (YIKES.) Of course, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are once again numero uno, with Alice In Wonderland taking in another comy, cozy 62 million dollars at box offices this weekend. Now back to my homeboy Robbie P. If you're a semi-grown-up and you're a fan of Robert Pattinson you should truly take the time (and the $9.50) to support his non-Twilight effort, Remember Me, because Rob gives you A LOT of his best effort for your buck. And I promise you, this picture will stick with you long after the ending credits roll. I'm still trying to pry that last image of Robert from my head... which is usually the opposite of what I'm trying to do when it comes to Robert Pattinson.

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