Thursday, March 4, 2010

Remember Me? You bet we will, Rob! (Wink, wink. CALL US!)

We here at Token White Girl think that Robert Pattinson did a bangers-and-mash-up-job on his whirlwind Remember Me promotional tour in Manhattan this week. The Brit beefcake not only did the standard en hotel suite press junket, he also made his rounds on the talk show circuit. While we had a laugh with Rob, what did we enjoy most? The fact that he still makes time to sign autographs and pose for pics with the fans. We dig Rob's shy, humble charm with a shovel. Sadly, R. Pattz jetted out of JFK late Tuesday night (check out the pic to the RIGHT!) to return to the set of Bel Ami in London. Tear. So, until he heads back our way, you can enjoy some our ab fave Rob moments from earlier this week. (As in, click on the videos below for your dose of Vitamin R.)

PS - You damn well know that with a title like Remember Me, someone is DYING. Yep. Somebody gonna get dead. Oh, and the movie is set in the year 2001. In New York. Discuss.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Robert Pattinson
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Robert Pattinson stops in to chat with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central's The Daily Show

Check out Rob dropping in on himself (aka Jimmy Fallon in a REALLY bad wig) in another episode of Robert Is Bothered

R. Pattz and Jimmy Fallon kick-it on NBC's The Late Show.

Who does Robert find attractive? Finds out as he dishes to the ladies of The View.

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