Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Runaways Trailer Is Here... FINALLY!

The "Cherry Bomb" has finally dropped! Apparition Studios has released the OFFICIAL The Runaways trailer tonight via Yahoo! Movies. Head over and check it out. (You know you want to.) Kristen Stewart (Perhaps you know her as this girl named Bella.) brings inky haired chick rocker Joan Jett to life on the big screen, while Dakota Fanning fills blonde bombshell's Cherie Currie's garter belt, in the March 19 release, The Runaways. In case you've been living under your wicked uncool rock and didn't already know, Fanning and Stewart supplied the vocals for the film's soundtrack... there's no Ashley Simpsoning here, kids! And of course, stay tuned to Token White Girl for your guide to K. Stew's The Runaways press tour, which kicks off next week in New York!

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