Friday, March 12, 2010

Remember Me Is Simply Unforgettable

I can't say too much about Remember Me without giving the movie away. I tend to be more attune to film than most, so I knew what was coming, and I was RIGHT, but I still don't want to ruin the film for those who have yet to see it. But what I will say, is that this is Robert Pattinson's movie. He carried this picture. And the view from his shoulders is magnificent. Sparkly vampires and British wiazrding school boys shoved (WAY) aside, Robert Pattinson has officially established his career with Remember Me. I cried with the opening scene and sobbed (as did the other 8 people in the 11:30 am showing) at the ending. (FYI, I am NOT a crier. I wept, like a weeping weeper, into my balled up Starbucks napkin.) Tyler Hawkins is a a lovable, grimy, unabashedly honest protagonist who will leave you weeping in the seats... and the aisles as you try to regain your composure as the house lights come up. This isn't just a love story or a coming of age story. This is a piece of American and personal history very subtly, yet poignantly told. My favorite part? Tyler's endearing relationship with his 11 year old sister, Caroline, played by the young actress Ruby Jerins. Ruby (and Caroline) will steal your bleeding heart and leave you basking in her raw potential. Emilie de Ravin (ABC's Lost) gives an understated yet lingering performance as Tyler's love interest, Ally Craig. Tyler and Ally, whose young lives have been stained with unthinkable loss, come together just in time, without ever getting just enough of just that. Time. Remember Me is a tale of love, loss, tragedy and redemption... and of course, remembrance. Forget Twilight. If you're an American, a New Yorker and/or have a beating heart, you need to see this film. (Oh, and if you are a fan of Twilight, the Eclipse trailer rolls on in for the first time on the big screen, with the previews just before Remember Me.) You'll remember where you were THAT morning and you'll remember where you sat when you first saw Rob shed his sparkly Edward Cullen skin in Remember Me.

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