Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twilight SceneIt?

It's no secret that I am a GINORMOUS fan of the Twilight franchise, as well as K. Stew, R. Pattz and Stephenie Meyer individually. I have pretty much every Twilight product available from the jewelry boxes to Barbies (Yes, the Edward Ken really does have sparkly skin!) to tees and bags to puzzles, keychains and games. So, clearly, when I found out they were putting a Twilight spin on the SceneIt? DVD game, I pre-ordered immediately, right on Amazon. Several months ago, I learned that they would also be putting the games into Nintendo Wii and DS format. (Insert giddy frenzy here:___________.) I take my pink Nintendo DS (with Hello Kitty skin, of course) pretty much everywhere I go. From the waiting room to the air cabin, I require constant entertainment. And since I usually kick the collective ass of my Twilight SceneIt? opponents straight Volturi style, it made perfect sense for me to pick up Twilight SceneIt? for my beloved, faithful Nintendo DS, for some no-hassle solo play. (Sounds dirty, doesn't it?) It allows you to chose your character, it has some great trivia (this is movie trivia, NOT book trivia) and it shows scenes from Twilight right there on your DS. It's what I call "wicked awesome." And, when you purchase Twilight SceneIt? for your Wii or DS, you get a bonus Twilight Lenticular (that's holographic) card in the mail from Konami. All you have to do is register your name, address and UPC code fromt he back of your Twilight SceneIt? package at their website. If you travel a lot or need a gift for a fellow Twihard, this is a GREAT way to go. It will give you that Bella-Edward fix you need until Eclipse hits theaters June 30. Sorry, Team Jacob. As you know Twilight isn't real heavy on the Wolf Pack. You can find Twilight SceneIt? for Wii and DS at Walmart, Target, Amazon and many other retailers. And, if you don't have the standard board game version of Twilight SceneIt?, then you should probably go ahead and get that, too. It's great for girl's night. (It's best with a box o' wine.) And Amazon has the best price. Trust me on this. If it's one thing I know, it's shopping. I'm a heavy user of their Super Saver shipping!

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