Tuesday, March 23, 2010

American Idol, Season 9: The Ultimate WTF?

Dear American Idol Season 9,
aka Token White Girl

Fast and up front, I will admit that I have not religiously followed American Idol since Season 2. The year was 2003, Big Boy Ruben Studdard was the show's winner, but pocket sized sprite Clay Aiken (aka Lucky Charms) was the show's winner. (That was NOT a typo.) Since then, I've had better things to do. Like read. And clean the bathroom. But this year, I've decided to get back in touch with my ab fave perpetually bored and brutally honest Brit, Simon Cowell, as well as down an extra daily dose of my wicked funny homegirl Ellen D. (Big ups to my dawg RJ, too. Word.) However, season 9 is offering far from America's best.

The song choices this season have been boring (that's putting it mildly) and long past their expiration date. The bulk of contestants themselves are likened to the cast of your average local dinner theater, where Jean Val Jean serves up the dry chicken before he takes the stage. Tonight's episode, was painfully, rather-have-a-root-canal AWFUL. There were more wish-I-had-a-vodka-soda-to-go-with-this-craptastic-karaoke-in-a-rundown-bar performances than there were of truly solid, vote worthy brand. So, that's what we will focus on, kids. The vote worthy. Because if I have to relive those flat, off-key, pitchless nightmares over again... well, let's just say, there's not enough Ativan on this side of the galaxy for that.

Partiality be damned, Crystal Bowersox is my absolute fave. Tonight she and her six string took on Janis Joplin's "Me & Bobby McGee." There is little to say about Crystal, because while she emanates that Joplin vibe (Crystal kinda even looks like Janis!), she makes every performance honestly hers and tonight was no exception. Week after week, Crystal has been the contestant I most look forward to seeing, and once again she was AI's brightest spot tonight. Love her. Can't wait for her album.

Another consistently bright spot on Idol is 16 year old country star in the making, Aaron Kelly. Reminiscent in tone of Rascal Flatts' Gary LeVox, his youth is surprisingly not a factor into his time on the stage. It's not hard to close your eyes and see this kid at the top of Nashville's charts. Tonight Aaron spun is charming twang into a fairly decent rendition of Aerosmith's mega-smash "I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing." While it wasn't his best performance (we're guessing that he was a lil' nervous with Miley Cyrus in the audience), Aaron still made tonight's episode of American Idol that much more tolerable.

It's no secret that Casey James is uber easy on the eyes, but it's just as clear that Casey is much more than eye candy. While the 25 year old Huey Lewis song he chose, "The Power of Love," was wicked dated, Casey actually pulled it off, nearly matching Huey's warm, raspy quality. And dude is mad crazy on his electric guitar. (By the way, WTF is up with all the damn guitars this season?!?) While it didn't drive us to the edge of our reclining sofa seat with excitement, it was a save in an otherwise dull evening.

I also have a soft spot for Lee Dewyze, but I can't saw that I "got" his performance tonight. Lee chose The Box Top's "The Letter." A Memphis bluesy rock band, The Box Tops lost lead singer Alex Chilton last Wednesday, March 17, so we're assuming that Lee's song choice was an ode to Alex. But, really? REALLY? You have millions of people watching you, you've got a great voice that is this Nickelback-Hinder hybrid, and you chose a little known 1960s blues song, when you can chose ANY Billboard #1 EVER? REALLY? Again, we're back to the song choices, kids. YAWN. Randy loved it, but we weren't so thrilled, dawg.

Yeah. And that is all the positive I can recall from tonight's show. There was not a lot to get you to pick up the BlackBerry and vote this evening. Even fan fave BIG Mike Lynche left us feeling underwhelmed and unfulfilled with his rather standard version of the ol' standard "When A Man Loves A Woman." BO-RING! How many times will the judges-- and viewers-- have to hammer the need for BETTER song choice into the collective season 9 head?!? Every week we're hoping for a better week. And if that better week doesn't happen soon, FOX is going to have to rename the show "American Crapfest." And I'm going to have to find some fresh reading material.

Oh, and I'm thinking this summer's American Idol Tour might not be so hot.

Who we could stand to see go home this week: Paige Miles (Save it for church! 'Cause apparently that's where you left it!) and Tim Urban (Alright already! He should have stayed home. So, he's Zac Effron-ish. Get over it already. And stop letting the 12 year olds near the damn phone!)

TA-DAH! The Eclipse One Sheet Is HERE!

So, at LONG last, The Twilight Saga: Eclipse one sheet movie poster is here! I know I'm happy as a Volturi in an unsecured blood bank, 'cause K. Stew (aka Bella Swan) is front and center, flanked by her homeboys R. Pattz (Edward Cullen) and T. Lau (Jacob Black). And the love triangle is complete! Kristen looks absolutely fabulous! Ab fab, baby! Oh, and Rob and Taylor aren't half bad, either. Only 98 days till Eclipse hits theaters in all of its vamped-up wolfy goodness.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Free Pastry Day At Starbucks

Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 23 is once again free pastry day at Starbucks. When you purchase your brewed coffee or blended espresso beverage of choice, present this coupon for your free pastry. You can still snag a free bagel, scone or muffin even if you don't have a hard copy of the coupon. Simply show your barista the coupon on your iPhone or BlackBerry and this mad sweet deal is yours! Just be sure to present your coupon or mobile device when placing your order before 10:30 am. Happy Tuesday kids! Make it a good one!

My Favorite Things: OPI Nail Lacquer, Hong Kong Collection

I don't do pastels. I don't do pastels because I'm wicked pale. So wicked pale that my shade is Tupperware. As in so pale that I'm see-through. (Annie Lennox remade Whiter Shade of Pale for me. Seriously.) Pastels do not a damn thing for me. So, typically I do black. Black EVERYTHING. Everything. Black. Right down to my tips and toes. I like the contrast that a black polished nail brings to my pallid, porcelain skin. Okay, so every now and then I'll rock a classic, timeless red, too, but I can't pull off much else unless it's deep and dark. Spring and summer can be a rough time for a girl like me. The rich, velvety dark winter tones that best define me, give way to watered down colors better suited for Easter eggs and those with pigmentation. Yeah. My spring palette usually doesn't switch up much. Black, gray and maybe the occasional brown or olive green. But what about those tips and toes? They tend to stay black. Unless I can stumble across a rare deep, bright summer gem, which I did this year! (Insert heavenly chorus of angels here:______.) OPI has a great new array of nail color for spring and summer 2010, The Hong Kong Collection. Of course there are a few pale plums and pinks in the collection, but there are also deep oranges and aquas. With blue hues and juicy citrus tones being billed as the new trend for spring and summer 2010, OPI has unleashed a collection with that very trend as its core. Last week I purchased my two favorite shades from the collection, Jade Is The New Black (How fitting is that moniker for ME!?), which is an ab fab rich kelly green, and Suzi Says Feng Shui, which is the Smurfiest, Smurftastic blue ever! The cool, pale tones of my skin really make the green and blue OPI colors pop. Factor in my black hair and green eyes and it's a smash hit! And, my friends are both shocked and thrilled that it's NOT black! Right now my fingertips and toes are enjoying a lovely double coating of Jade Is The New Black, in honor of spring and the return of its glorious greeness! If you head over the OPI site, you can take The Hong Kong Collection for a test drive on your virtual fingertips, even allowing for the adjustment of your nail length and skin tone. Simply click on the color that catches your eye, and VOILA! You've got yourself an instant mani! OPI can be found in salons and finer beauty retailers everywhere, including some online, and a bottle typically retails between $6 to $9. OPI Nail Lacquers hold up better than most drug-store nail enamels and they speak the colors of NOW. Your flip-flops will thank you for your well coordinated pedi, too!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Script "Breaks Even" With Jimmy Fallon

Irish trio The Script dropped in on Jimmy Fallon to perform their hit Breakeven. Check out the video and see why we're all sixes and sevens over Danny, Mark and Glen. (If the full episode video loads, simply click on the 4th gray bar for The Script's performance.)

K. Stew Reunites With BFF J. Fallon

In case you couldn't stay awake last night, I've brought you a video of Kristen Stewart's visit with "BFF" Jimmy Fallon. She looked chic and stunning in her sequined beige mini. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Favorite Things: Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1

I'm a book nerd, a film geek and a Twilight dork, but there is NO SHAME in my game, baby. Today, Tuesday March 16 was a good day. K. Stew was on the TV and a new way to Twilight was on the shelves. Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1, was among the new Tuesday media releases today. It's Edward and Bella with an anime spin. Korean based artist Young Kim took her pencil to the page, shedding a whole new proverbial light on the romantic vampire saga we all love, mixing her visual genius with Stephenie Meyer's "immortal" words. At 224 pages Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Volume 1, tells roughly half of the first tale of Bella Swan's journey into Forks and the world of Edward Cullen... certainly there will be a Volume 2 or 3 to complete its telling. While it's a bit strange not to see Rob and Kristen as Edward and Bella, it's a totally wicked awesome book and I've never owned anything like it. It's like all of those really cool picture books you had as a kid... but way, way better. Amazon is selling Twilight: The Graphic, Volume 1 novel for $10 and while Walmart claims to do the same, I had to pay $13.87 in-store today. Yeah. Was not happy. We all know that I pride myself on being the GOAT. Greatest (Bargain Shopper) of All Time. However, the book was totally worth having my GOAT title mildly tarnished. Please, somebody else go get and read it so I have someone to talk to about it, damn it.

Oh, and I just have to share this with you guys in all of my geek chic glory. I just received an e-mail notification from Target that my copy of The Twilight Saga: New Moon 3 Disc Deluxe Edition DVD (with BONUS film cell) was shipped today!!! Since I preordered it a month ago, the price has dropped from $24.99 to $19.99 and Target is honoring that sale price! So, there's hope that I will get my DVD by Saturday and NOT have to deal with the swarm of teenage girls.

Never "Scene" New Moon!!!

Here's a clip I mos def thought that you guys would appreciate. It's a deleted scene from the upcoming New Moon DVD, which is being released this Saturday, March 20. Check out this scene of Edward and Bella in her truck, post birthday party drama. You're welcome and Happy Tuesday kids!

K. Stew Rocks Out With Regis and Kelly Early In The AM

In case you're not a morning person... which I am not (but I did awaken in time to catch K. Stew this AM)... I'm bringing you the early morning spot Kristen (as in Stewart, in case you're not in the know) did on Live with Regis and Kelly this morning. You're welcome!!! We'll have more of Kristen's stay here on the east coast, as she's in NY gearing up for The Runaways premiere, which is tomorrow, Wednesday March 17. Stay tuned to TWG!

PS - Kristen looked like the ab fab ROCKSTAR she is! Loved the skinny leather leggings and the heels... blacks better! Just SMURFY! Oh, and ditching the heels after the inteview formalities for some black Converse Chucks is even SMURFIER!!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

K. Stew Rocks NY

K. Stew fans set your alarm clocks! The lovely Miss Kristen Stewart (you may know her as Bella, Georgia, Em or Lucy) will kick off her NYC media tour on Live with Regis and Kelly on Tuesday, March 16 at 9:00 AM eastern standard time on ABC. Kristen is in Manhattan to promote her upcoming rock 'n roll flick The Runaways, in which she plays badass female rock icon, Joan Jett. Kristen is squeezing in some quality promo time just before the film's NY premiere on Wednesday, March 17. After chatting with Regis and Kelly, Kristen will head on over to NBC studios for a taping of Late Night with funny guy Jimmy Fallon. (Token White Girl fave The Script will be Jimmy's musical guests! It's another double whammy of TWG faves... first Guy Fieri and Kristen on Jay Leno, now The Script AND K. Stew on Jimmy?! TOO MUCH!) You can catch Kristen on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday night at 12:35 am eastern on NBC. The Runaways goes into limited release in select cities this Friday, March 19, while the rest of us have to patiently await its wide release on April 9. In the meantime you can get your K. Stew fix with her ab fab television appearances and The Runaways Soundtrack, which hits shelves and on Tuesday, March 23 and will be available for download from your favorite electronic retailer tomorrow, Tuesday, March 16. Yes, yes. My Homegirl sings, too. K. Stew is truly the bomb diggity.

Be Aware: Lupus Advocacy Day 2010


As you may or may not know, I am a lupus survivor. Tomorrow is not only Tuesday, March 16, but it is also Lupus Advocacy Day in Washington, D.C. Please take a minute for me, for my mother who did not survive lupus and for the other million Americans who suffer from lupus... the most widespread, unknown, underfunded disease in this country. It takes a few minor minutes to send these auto filled email notifications to the Congressmen, Congresswomen and Senators. Thanks in advance! Love you. MEAN IT!! -

Sunday, March 14, 2010

'Remember Me' Forogtten At Box Office

We already know that I love Robert Pattinson. There's just something about a skinny British boy donning his best American accent that makes me swoon with lust. (Okay, so Rob's sparkly counterpart Edward Cullen doesn't hurt the swoon factor, either.) But this weekend, Pattinson took a GIANT leap out of his glittery Twilight skin and into another Summit project, Remember Me. Once more, we already know that I LOVED Remember Me, but we also know that I'm a grown-up (ish) and I didn't go into the theater expecting to see Edward Cullen. I had the full-on expectations of seeing Robbie P. breathe life into the rebelious Tyler Hawkins. I was NOT disappointed. Apparently, other people were disappointed. Well, really, other people apparently didn't even go out to see Remember Me. According to Box Office Mojo, Remember Me brought in 8.3 million dollars, with the film showing in 2,212 theaters across the country. So, while the Remember Me audience was overwhelmingly female and under 25, perhaps this "iffy" opening speaks to Edward Cullen's popularity, rather than that of Robert Pattinson. When the fans scream and swarm Rob for photos and autographs, they're really seeing Edward. With a 16 million dollar budget (That's Hollywood chump change), Remember Me didn't fair nearly as bad as Matt Damon's Green Zone, which only managed to rake in 14.5 million bucks, but cost over 100 mill to make. (YIKES.) Of course, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp are once again numero uno, with Alice In Wonderland taking in another comy, cozy 62 million dollars at box offices this weekend. Now back to my homeboy Robbie P. If you're a semi-grown-up and you're a fan of Robert Pattinson you should truly take the time (and the $9.50) to support his non-Twilight effort, Remember Me, because Rob gives you A LOT of his best effort for your buck. And I promise you, this picture will stick with you long after the ending credits roll. I'm still trying to pry that last image of Robert from my head... which is usually the opposite of what I'm trying to do when it comes to Robert Pattinson.

Two New Ways To 'New Moon'

We here at Token White Girl pride ourselves on bringing you the latest and greatest in all things Twilight. With the New Moon DVD release just days away, the final countdown to March 20 has brought to light some NEW New Moon options for Twihards. Not to be outdone by competitors like Target and Walmart, Best Buy is also offering up its own special edition of the film, The Twilight Saga: New Moon Exclusive Steelbook Package Edition. When you pre-order Best Buy's Steelbook Edition, you have the option to select a free Twilight cell phone skin and you'll recieve free shipping on your order, in edition to Best Buy's exclusive packaging, which features the Quileute Emblem and the Cullen Crest. Best Buy's version of New Moon will run you $24.99 for DVD and $26.99 for Blu-Ray. And, if you're like me, you're avoiding the swarms of tweens, teens and their pushy, undersexed mothers at midnight on March 20, because you were smart enough to pre-order your New Moon DVD weeks ago. (Let's pat ourselves on the back, shall we?!) We might luck out and get our DVDs on Friday from the UPS guy or we might have to wait until Monday... or do we? Also cashing in on the cold, Twihard cash is Comcast, who will be offering The Twilight Saga: New Moon with their On Demand channel at 12:01 Saturday morning. Comcast, like their retail competitors, is also hoping to lure the Twilight faithful in with their own exclusive content, with director's commentary and a featurette entitled Life After Twilight airing after the feature film itself. Hoping for a repeat of 2009's Twilight On Demand release, which was the most "demanded" On Demand product of last year, Comcast is banking on you staying at home in your Edward Cullen pjs and enjoying New Moon straight away, rather than standing in line... hoping not to be trampled by giddy, hormonally unstable 12 year olds. So. March 20 is six days away. How are YOU going to New Moon?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Remember Me Is Simply Unforgettable

I can't say too much about Remember Me without giving the movie away. I tend to be more attune to film than most, so I knew what was coming, and I was RIGHT, but I still don't want to ruin the film for those who have yet to see it. But what I will say, is that this is Robert Pattinson's movie. He carried this picture. And the view from his shoulders is magnificent. Sparkly vampires and British wiazrding school boys shoved (WAY) aside, Robert Pattinson has officially established his career with Remember Me. I cried with the opening scene and sobbed (as did the other 8 people in the 11:30 am showing) at the ending. (FYI, I am NOT a crier. I wept, like a weeping weeper, into my balled up Starbucks napkin.) Tyler Hawkins is a a lovable, grimy, unabashedly honest protagonist who will leave you weeping in the seats... and the aisles as you try to regain your composure as the house lights come up. This isn't just a love story or a coming of age story. This is a piece of American and personal history very subtly, yet poignantly told. My favorite part? Tyler's endearing relationship with his 11 year old sister, Caroline, played by the young actress Ruby Jerins. Ruby (and Caroline) will steal your bleeding heart and leave you basking in her raw potential. Emilie de Ravin (ABC's Lost) gives an understated yet lingering performance as Tyler's love interest, Ally Craig. Tyler and Ally, whose young lives have been stained with unthinkable loss, come together just in time, without ever getting just enough of just that. Time. Remember Me is a tale of love, loss, tragedy and redemption... and of course, remembrance. Forget Twilight. If you're an American, a New Yorker and/or have a beating heart, you need to see this film. (Oh, and if you are a fan of Twilight, the Eclipse trailer rolls on in for the first time on the big screen, with the previews just before Remember Me.) You'll remember where you were THAT morning and you'll remember where you sat when you first saw Rob shed his sparkly Edward Cullen skin in Remember Me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Twilight SceneIt?

It's no secret that I am a GINORMOUS fan of the Twilight franchise, as well as K. Stew, R. Pattz and Stephenie Meyer individually. I have pretty much every Twilight product available from the jewelry boxes to Barbies (Yes, the Edward Ken really does have sparkly skin!) to tees and bags to puzzles, keychains and games. So, clearly, when I found out they were putting a Twilight spin on the SceneIt? DVD game, I pre-ordered immediately, right on Amazon. Several months ago, I learned that they would also be putting the games into Nintendo Wii and DS format. (Insert giddy frenzy here:___________.) I take my pink Nintendo DS (with Hello Kitty skin, of course) pretty much everywhere I go. From the waiting room to the air cabin, I require constant entertainment. And since I usually kick the collective ass of my Twilight SceneIt? opponents straight Volturi style, it made perfect sense for me to pick up Twilight SceneIt? for my beloved, faithful Nintendo DS, for some no-hassle solo play. (Sounds dirty, doesn't it?) It allows you to chose your character, it has some great trivia (this is movie trivia, NOT book trivia) and it shows scenes from Twilight right there on your DS. It's what I call "wicked awesome." And, when you purchase Twilight SceneIt? for your Wii or DS, you get a bonus Twilight Lenticular (that's holographic) card in the mail from Konami. All you have to do is register your name, address and UPC code fromt he back of your Twilight SceneIt? package at their website. If you travel a lot or need a gift for a fellow Twihard, this is a GREAT way to go. It will give you that Bella-Edward fix you need until Eclipse hits theaters June 30. Sorry, Team Jacob. As you know Twilight isn't real heavy on the Wolf Pack. You can find Twilight SceneIt? for Wii and DS at Walmart, Target, Amazon and many other retailers. And, if you don't have the standard board game version of Twilight SceneIt?, then you should probably go ahead and get that, too. It's great for girl's night. (It's best with a box o' wine.) And Amazon has the best price. Trust me on this. If it's one thing I know, it's shopping. I'm a heavy user of their Super Saver shipping!

K. Stew Rocks Jay Leno

Kristen Stewart was promoting The Runaways on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno last night on NBC. As always, she was ab fab! If you missed it, check it out!

Kristen talks The BAFTAs and The Oscars.

K. Stew and Jay discuss her new film 'The Runaways.'

Kristen kicks Jay's ass at the end of this clip with Guy Fieri (who we also love).

Starbucks New Spring Treat Blossoms With Delightful Flavor

Per usual, my shopping trips require energy. (LOTS of energy!) And by "energy" I mean Starbucks. Diddy (That's my Dad for those of you who don't already know the dealio) and I stopped off for a night cap, in much need of refueling after an evening of birthday shopping. (FOR MEEEE!) Diddy gets his standard Tall Non-Fat Mocha and I ordered a Venti Iced Non-Fat Mocha (I needed a full 20 ounces of refueling tonight). The Barista suggested that I try Starbucks' new limited edition spring flavor: Dark Cherry Mocha. Now, I'm a skeptic when it comes to double flavors in a latte. I like a Cinammon Dolce Latte or a Mocha... straight-up. No mocha-peppermint-mango-pineapple-chutney-salsa nonsense. (Thou shalt not f-ck up the espresso blended beverage!) So, momentarily torn, I took a leap of faith and told the Barista, "Okay, make the Venti iced a Dark Cherry Mocha." Yeah. Look at me all reckless and wild! And? I love it. (Yes. I would marry it if I could.) It's like a not-to-sweet, refreshing, chocolate covered black cherry. It's lovely and absolutely tastes like SPRING! So, I can give the official Bridget Blessing (It's WAY cooler than the Papal Blessing.) to Starbucks' Dark Cherry Mocha. You should get one for yourself the next time you're in the 'Bucks... and of course, get one for your friend Bridget, too. It's only here for a limited time, so get it while the gettin' is good, kids!

Eclipse Trailer (No other title needed!)

It's here, it's HERE!!! The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Trailer is REALLY here! We only have ONE complaint. The new Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) sucks! YUCK!!! Bring back Rachelle Lafevre!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oscar Night: The Big Screen Hits The Small Screen

We here at Token White Girl would just like to remind you that The 82nd Annual Academy Awards (aka The Oscars) are tomorrow night, March 7 at 8:00 pm eastern time. 5:00 pm pacific, on ABC. Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin will share hosting duties this year (this could be hilarious or a new human form of Lunesta), as the ceremony is streamed live from The Kodak Theater in Hollywood. In an unprecedented move, The Academy has nominated a record 10 films for Best Picture this year, which are: Avatar, The Blind Side, District 9, An Education, The Hurt Locker, Inglorious Basterds, Precious, A Serious Man, Up and Up In The Air. (We here at Token White Girl are a bit partial to Up. There are few animated features that are poignant and sincere enough to bring us to tears. Plus, Russel is the adorably charming fat kid we love to love.) You can check out all of the other nominees in their prescribed categories HERE. And while another Token White Girl fave, New Moon, went unnominated (BASTARDS.), Twilight Saga stars Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner will be in attendance and are said to be presenting at the show. (We can't wait to see what frock K. Stew is gonna ROCK!) Sadly, our homeboy R. Pattz will not be at The Oscars, as he is across the pond in London filming Bel Ami. Tune in tomorrow night to see who wins and who's wearing what at The Oscars. (You can even print out your very own ballot and play along from your living room!)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Runaways Trailer Is Here... FINALLY!

The "Cherry Bomb" has finally dropped! Apparition Studios has released the OFFICIAL The Runaways trailer tonight via Yahoo! Movies. Head over and check it out. (You know you want to.) Kristen Stewart (Perhaps you know her as this girl named Bella.) brings inky haired chick rocker Joan Jett to life on the big screen, while Dakota Fanning fills blonde bombshell's Cherie Currie's garter belt, in the March 19 release, The Runaways. In case you've been living under your wicked uncool rock and didn't already know, Fanning and Stewart supplied the vocals for the film's soundtrack... there's no Ashley Simpsoning here, kids! And of course, stay tuned to Token White Girl for your guide to K. Stew's The Runaways press tour, which kicks off next week in New York!

Brand New Eyes At A Brand New Price

Music and Paramore fans everywhere, brace yourselves. Paramore, Fueled By Ramen and Amazon have teamed up to bring you an ab fab deal for the month of March. If you head to Amazon by no later than March 31, you can download the full digital copy of Paramore's lastest LP, Brand New Eyes for ONLY FIVE BUCKS!!! (Singles from the album sell for a buck a pop.) If you don't already have Brand New Eyes, you NEED to. (I said so, damn it.) Or if you know a Paramore fan, this would make a great, inexpensive, just-because gift. Head over to Amazon and check it out ASAP. Because I said so, damn it! (AND because your iPod needs some freshening up!)

Bridget's Favorite Tracks: Careful, Ignorance, Brick By Boring Brick, Turn It Off, The Only Exception... oh, hell, ALL OF THEM! It's Paramore, damn it! HAYLEY!!!

Remember Me? You bet we will, Rob! (Wink, wink. CALL US!)

We here at Token White Girl think that Robert Pattinson did a bangers-and-mash-up-job on his whirlwind Remember Me promotional tour in Manhattan this week. The Brit beefcake not only did the standard en hotel suite press junket, he also made his rounds on the talk show circuit. While we had a laugh with Rob, what did we enjoy most? The fact that he still makes time to sign autographs and pose for pics with the fans. We dig Rob's shy, humble charm with a shovel. Sadly, R. Pattz jetted out of JFK late Tuesday night (check out the pic to the RIGHT!) to return to the set of Bel Ami in London. Tear. So, until he heads back our way, you can enjoy some our ab fave Rob moments from earlier this week. (As in, click on the videos below for your dose of Vitamin R.)

PS - You damn well know that with a title like Remember Me, someone is DYING. Yep. Somebody gonna get dead. Oh, and the movie is set in the year 2001. In New York. Discuss.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Robert Pattinson
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealth Care Reform

Robert Pattinson stops in to chat with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central's The Daily Show

Check out Rob dropping in on himself (aka Jimmy Fallon in a REALLY bad wig) in another episode of Robert Is Bothered

R. Pattz and Jimmy Fallon kick-it on NBC's The Late Show.

Who does Robert find attractive? Finds out as he dishes to the ladies of The View.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Vote for the car, vote for the CURE.

Okay, so I'm NOT a big fan of Nascar or racing, but this is a chance to bring recognition to a disease that is the most under publicized in America. A disease that is slowly killing me and a million other Americans, 90% of whom are women. Lupus. It's not just a punchline on House. Please take a moment to go vote for the "Lupus Car." I'm not asking for money.... All you have to do is click a button. They (my host of doctors) said I wouldn't make it to 30 and I'm almost there and (most days) I'd like to make it to 90. It's just a click to you, but it could mean a totally new world to ME. (And the million others.)

Target's Exclusive New Moon Sneak Peek

Like many of you, I've already ordered my New Moon DVDs. Yes. DVDs. As in plural. As in more than one. As in TWO. I've decided to order Target's 3 disc Deluxe Edition New Moon (with bonus collectible film cell) and Walmart's 2 disc Ultimate Fan Edition New Moon, that includes an Eclipse teaser. The New Moon DVD release might just be 23 days away, but for those of us who are jonesin' extra hard for a hit, Target gives up a sneak peek at a deleted scene and the New Moon DVD promotional trailer. (FYI, you have to click on "View trailer and exclusive content" set within the DVD.) Happy Thursday, kids! Don't say Bridget never gave you anything!

R. Pattz Fans: READY. SET. TIVO!!!

The marketing blitz for Remember Me begins next week in New York, which means it's time to soak up your Vitamin R, kids. Ladies (and gentlemen), you may want to set your Tivos and DVRs NOW, so that you don't miss out on Robert Pattinson's whirlwind tour of the NYC talk show circuit. Monday, March 1, R. Pattz will be up bright and early for NBC's The Today Show at 7:00 am, followed up by a midnight spot (12:35 am, actually) on The Late Show With Jimmy Fallon. Rob will jump over to ABC on Tuesday, March 2, and visit the lovely ladies of The View, with co-star Emilie de Ravin in toe, at 11:00 am eastern standard time. (Rob is a HOT TOPIC all his own!)

And if you need to have yourself a GREAT laugh (courtesy of Jimmy Fallon) and you LOVE Robert Pattinson, check out these great skits entitled Robert Is Bothered. HILARIOUS! Can't wait to see what Rob has to say about these when he meets up with Fallon next week!

Stay tuned in to Token White Girl for your Robert Pattinson fix... he's gotta hit the west coast circuit next... and as always, check your local listings.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Rockin' New 'The Runaways' Promo!

With just a few weeks to go until its opening, The Runaways has put a new television spot into rotation. Check it-out! And when you're done, go over to the box on "page right" and vote in Token White Girl's movie poll!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Indulge Me

So, I'm still reeling in exctasy of K. Stew's BAFATA win last night, but also reeling in another fashion. PAIN. Lupus has once more united every joint in my body against me, in an evil conspiracy. Also in on the conspiracy, my nephew and my father who just don't like to allow me any kind of sleep. SO, posting today is simple. It's all about ME.

First, my birthday is just a few weeks away (March 14) and friends and family around the country have been asking what I want this year. I'm trying to make it easy on myself and my beloved(s) this year ('cause who knows when my new round of lupus treatment is actually going to start) and therefore I have put together a 2010 Birthday Wish List over at Amazon. I've chosen lots of things that I "wish" for as I blow out my candles this year. It's my fairly stereotypical blend of entertainment goods that keep me occupied when my disease process doesn't allow me out of bed.

Also, to answer another prominent birthday inquiry I've been receiving: NO, I'm not hosting any big bash or going anywhere special. I was hoping to vaca in LA and take a trip down to Disney Land on my big day, but it's just not possible right now. There's no group trip to the bars or clubs because, as of this moment, I cannot physically (or mentally) handle the heels-alcohol-stupid people combo. I plan on going to see Rob Pattinson's Remember Me on March 12 and K. Stew in The Runaways on March 19. That's pretty much the extent of my celebratory schedule this year. If you want to celebrate my birth, send me a book, toast a Starbucks in my honor or go check out what I am sure will be my two new fave films (I'm talking about Remember Me and The Runaways, of course).

Next, although it's not about ME, everyone wants to know about Diddy. My father did suffer a third stroke and was released from the hospital yesterday to HealthSouth, where he will begin his stint in rehab. (Physical rehab, that is. Although I'm sure he could probably use some of the Tiger Woods brand, too. Dirty old man.) As always, being the young and only child of an elderly man (and a VERY stubborn one at that) proves to be quite a trying experience for me. While physically he doesn't seem to have any deficits caused by the stroke (the existing deficits were courtesy of diabetic neuropathy, 5 MIs, CHF and strokes 1 and 2), there does seem to be some residual cognitive effects. Anyone who wants to visit Diddy please email me. He really enjoys the company and I REALLY enjoy a much needed break.

Finally, in my attempt to become more self-focused, selfish and self-centered, I'm becoming quite the self-promotional whore. This paragraph is no exception. I'd like you to go visit my MySpace page (it's private so you have to add me as a friend to see it), because I added some of my fave new songs to my profile AND because I miss how much easier MySpace is than Facebook. While I still can't navigate Facebook or edit my profile worth a damn, you can visit me there, too. AND please continue to visit me here at Token White Girl. I know it's still an upstart, but it means a lot to me, this stretching of the proverbial writing legs.

And while I'm not quite ready to dish on my current state of health (or lack thereof), but when I do you will all be the first to know. I just ask for thoughts of understanding, positive thoughts, and prayers. It's nothing anyone should taker personally, but I'm coping with A LOT, and most days it's just easier for me to cope alone. But I'm looking forward to having visitors at my new home.


- B

PS - Did I mention that K.Stew won a BAFTA Award?!?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Congrats On Your New BAFTA K. Stew!

Kristen Stewart, perhaps best known to most as Bella in Twilight and The Twilight Saga: New Moon, took home The British Academy of Film and Televison Arts Orange Rising Star Award On Sunday night. The Orange Rising Star Award is the only BAFTA Award that is chosen by the British public, leading Stewart to credit her win to the large Twilight fanbase. Stewart was draped in a luminous white Chanel dress and thanked adoring Twilight fans and said hello to her family, stumbling through her acceptance speech in her own humble, awkward trademark style. Sigh. That's why we love you, K. Stew! Congratulations girl!

PS - Kristen, don't sell yourself short. Sure, you were in some really fantastic company, but there are those of us who know and love you for Em (MY FAVE!), Georgia, Tracy, Lucy and Martine. We know and love you above and beyond Bella. The award was WELL deserved, sister. Just sayin'. (*BLUSH*)

Kristen receives the 2010 Orange Rising Star Award

Kristen talks about her BRAND NEW BAFTA backstage

R. Pattz Is Absolutely SMASHING @ The BAFTA Awards!

Robert Pattinson (L) in London for the BAFTA Awards Sunday night. Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart (R) is up for an award.

Robert Pattinson is in London tonight, where he is presenting at The British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards, where his Twilight co-star, Kristen Stewart (WE LOVE YOU K. STEW!) is nominated for the Orange Rising Star Award. Swoon on, ladies! Rob shaved! ALLELUIA! Here in the US, you can catch the BAFTA Awards beginning at 8:00 pm eastern, on BBC America. Check your local listings, kids!

Rob greets the mob on the BAFTAs red carpet.

K. Stew Hits The Red Carpet @ The BAFTAs!

Kristen Stewart is working the red carpet in London tonight (our afternoon), at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts Awards, where she is nominated for the Orange Rising Star Award. Also nominated for the Rising Star Award is Stewart's Adventureland co-star, Jesse Eisenberg. You can catch Kristen and her homeboy Robert Pattinson (he's a presenter this evening) on the BAFTAs tonight on BBC America (check your local cable listings), starting at 8:00pm, eastern standard time.

Somebody looks FABULOUS in her ab fab white frock!!! Break a leg, K. Stew! We HEART you, mama!

K. Stew talks to the BBC.

Kristen spends some quality time with her UK fans.

Almost Alice, Almost HERE!!!

If you're a black haired, black nail polished, gothy kinda girl like me, then you've probably already got March 5 marked on your New Moon calendar and alterna band tune alarm set on the BlackBerry. Really, March 5 should be a national holiday, for it is on this momentous Friday that Tim Burton returns his gloriously twisted vision to the silver screen with Alice In Wonderland. The man who brought us The Corpse Bride and Sweeny Todd: The Deamon Barber of Fleet Street brings Johnny Depp and his live-in love Helena Bonham Carter along (AGAIN!! YAY!!) to tell the classic tale of Alice In Wonderland in true Tim Burton style.

With a marketing blitz that rivals that of the Twilight and Harry Potter brands, Burton and Disney fans everywhere are grabbing up the goods from Hot Topic, Torrid and The Disney Store. But what are we-who-wear-too-much-black most excited about? THE MUSIC!!! Tuesday, March 2nd, original music inspired by the film hits the shelves and iTunes, with the full length LP Almost Alice. Almost Alice is an album chock full of wicked awesome artists that will make any rock fan drool. Seriously. Check out this track listing:
1. Alice Performed by Avril Lavigne
2. The Poison Performed by The All-American Rejects
3. The Technicolor Phase Performed by Owl City
4. Her Name Is Alice Performed by Shinedown
5. Painting Flowers Performed by All Time Low
6. Where's My Angel Performed by Metro Station
7. Strange Performed by Tokio Hotel and Kerli
8. Follow Me Down Performed by 3OH!3 featuring Neon Hitch
9. Very Good Advice Performed by Robert Smith
10. In Transit Performed by Mark Hoppus with Pete Wentz
11. Welcome to Mystery Performed by Plain White T's
12. Tea Party Performed by Kerli
13. The Lobster Quadrille Performed by Franz Ferdinand
14. Always Running Out of Time Performed by Motion City Soundtrack
15. Fell Down a Hole Performed by Wolfmother
16. White Rabbit Performed by Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

Also in the true Burtonesque spirit, long-time collaborator Danny Elfman has composed the score to Alice In Wonderland, which is also available beginning March 2 and is being billed as the film's official soundtrack. Elfman is also repsonsible for the music of several other Tim Burton projects that we adore, such as The Nightmare Before Christmas, Charlie & The Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands and Beetlejuice. We Burton freaks here at Token White Girl recommend saving yourself some substantial change by ordering Almost Alice and Alice In Wonderland : The Score at Amazon or picking it up at Target next Tuesday. You can use the money you save to buy your ticket! (You'll have to sell a kidney on the black market for the popcorn and candy.)