Monday, February 22, 2010

Indulge Me

So, I'm still reeling in exctasy of K. Stew's BAFATA win last night, but also reeling in another fashion. PAIN. Lupus has once more united every joint in my body against me, in an evil conspiracy. Also in on the conspiracy, my nephew and my father who just don't like to allow me any kind of sleep. SO, posting today is simple. It's all about ME.

First, my birthday is just a few weeks away (March 14) and friends and family around the country have been asking what I want this year. I'm trying to make it easy on myself and my beloved(s) this year ('cause who knows when my new round of lupus treatment is actually going to start) and therefore I have put together a 2010 Birthday Wish List over at Amazon. I've chosen lots of things that I "wish" for as I blow out my candles this year. It's my fairly stereotypical blend of entertainment goods that keep me occupied when my disease process doesn't allow me out of bed.

Also, to answer another prominent birthday inquiry I've been receiving: NO, I'm not hosting any big bash or going anywhere special. I was hoping to vaca in LA and take a trip down to Disney Land on my big day, but it's just not possible right now. There's no group trip to the bars or clubs because, as of this moment, I cannot physically (or mentally) handle the heels-alcohol-stupid people combo. I plan on going to see Rob Pattinson's Remember Me on March 12 and K. Stew in The Runaways on March 19. That's pretty much the extent of my celebratory schedule this year. If you want to celebrate my birth, send me a book, toast a Starbucks in my honor or go check out what I am sure will be my two new fave films (I'm talking about Remember Me and The Runaways, of course).

Next, although it's not about ME, everyone wants to know about Diddy. My father did suffer a third stroke and was released from the hospital yesterday to HealthSouth, where he will begin his stint in rehab. (Physical rehab, that is. Although I'm sure he could probably use some of the Tiger Woods brand, too. Dirty old man.) As always, being the young and only child of an elderly man (and a VERY stubborn one at that) proves to be quite a trying experience for me. While physically he doesn't seem to have any deficits caused by the stroke (the existing deficits were courtesy of diabetic neuropathy, 5 MIs, CHF and strokes 1 and 2), there does seem to be some residual cognitive effects. Anyone who wants to visit Diddy please email me. He really enjoys the company and I REALLY enjoy a much needed break.

Finally, in my attempt to become more self-focused, selfish and self-centered, I'm becoming quite the self-promotional whore. This paragraph is no exception. I'd like you to go visit my MySpace page (it's private so you have to add me as a friend to see it), because I added some of my fave new songs to my profile AND because I miss how much easier MySpace is than Facebook. While I still can't navigate Facebook or edit my profile worth a damn, you can visit me there, too. AND please continue to visit me here at Token White Girl. I know it's still an upstart, but it means a lot to me, this stretching of the proverbial writing legs.

And while I'm not quite ready to dish on my current state of health (or lack thereof), but when I do you will all be the first to know. I just ask for thoughts of understanding, positive thoughts, and prayers. It's nothing anyone should taker personally, but I'm coping with A LOT, and most days it's just easier for me to cope alone. But I'm looking forward to having visitors at my new home.


- B

PS - Did I mention that K.Stew won a BAFTA Award?!?

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