Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GoverGirl Lash Blast Length

We all I know I've got nothin' but love for my fellow pisces Drew Barrymore. But what do I REALLY love? I REALLY love the Lash Blast mascara that Drew hocks for CoverGirl. So, today I decided to trade in my traditional chubby orange Lash Blast tube and take the new skinny bitch, yellow Lash Blast Length for a spin. Verdict? Last Blast Length gives you just that. LENGTH. The volume is adequate, but not quite the fatties I like MY lashes to be. However, it was on sale at Target and there were CoverGirl coupons in the Sunday paper this week, so it was WELL WORTH the five bucks and change I paid for it. I love me some fresh mascara. Sorry, fellas, Lash Blast Length only works on EYE LASHES;^)

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