Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The 'Cherry Bomb' Is About To EXPLODE!!!

Riveroad Entertainment has released yet another FABULOUS promo pic from their upcoming March release, The Runaways. With Kristen Stewart as the iconic, inky coiffed Joan Jett and Dakota Fanning as blonde bombshell lead singer Cherrie Currie, The Runaways blew the roof off of the recent Sundance Film Festival, earning rave reviews and praise from both critic and civilian alike. The Runaways will head bang its way into wide release, rockin' theaters beginning March 19. (Yes, Twihards, that's a meger 24 hours before the New Moon DVD hits retail shelves.) Jonesin' for a K. Stew fix? You can visit The Runaways official website for your hit of sex, drugs, rock 'n roll, and Kristen.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see this one. Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll is my all time favorite type of movie!!!
