Thursday, February 18, 2010

Eclipse Trailer Premiere

Fabulous news Twihards and Robsten Fans! The first cut of the official Eclipse trailer will make its debut on March 12, in the previews preceding Rob Pattinson's new film Remember Me. Like we needed another excuse to go see Remember Me! We're also starting to see more and more film stills from Eclipse, which is set to open in The United States on June 30. And of course, to show that I'm not totally greedy, I'm sharing them with you today. And while the official Eclipse site isn't up and running yet, you can still get your Twilight Saga scoop over at Twilight Guide or at this really cool unofficial Eclipse site. Happy Almost Weekend!

PS - We're already missing Rachelle Lefevre as the evil, bloodthirsty siren Victoria. Continuity is very important to we Twihards. (Please make note of that, Summit.)

Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) has a run-in with Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Riley.

HI-OOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) get sparkly and cozy in Edward's bedroom! Finally! We're taking full advantage of that PG-13 rating!

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